Compact disc messages, Listening to a dvd – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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To delete the entire song list, parfnrrr the loLlowIng

1, Turn the disc player on.


Press the SONG UST button to turn song list on.

S-LIST will appear on ihe display

3. Press and hold the SONG LIST button for ттюге

than four seconds, Л beep wNl bo heard, followed
by two beeps alter two seconds and a final beep wllf
bfl heard after lour seconds. S’LIST EMPTY will
appear on the display indicating ihgf ihe song
list has been deleted.

If a disc is ejected, and the song li&t contains saved
tracks from that disc, those tracks are automafically

deleted from the song list, Ллу traciis saved to the song

list again are added to Ihe boltonn of the list.

To end Song list mode, press the SONG LIST button

One beep


be heard and S-LIST will be removed from

the display.

Compact Disc Messages

CHECK CD: If this message appears on the radio
display, it could be dua to one of the following reasons:

• You're driving on a vetv rough road. When the

road becomes smoolher, the disc should play.

• The disc is dirty, scratched, wet Or upside down,

• The air Is very humid. If so, wail about an hour and

try again.

tl the CD is not playing correctly, for ary other reason,



known good CD,

If any error occurs repeatedly or if an error can’l be
corrected, contact your dealer. If your radio displays an
error message, write It down arrd provide ¡I 10 youF
dealer when reporting the problem.

Listening to a DVD

Your vehicle may have an overhead Rear Seat
Entertainment (RSË) System. If your vehicle has this
system and a DVD la playing, the DVD symbol will
appear on the radio display indin^tlng that Ihe DVD is
available and can be listened Through your vehicles
speakers. To listen to the DVD, press the CD AUX

bullón until RSE appears on the radio display. The

cument radio source wifi stop and the DVD sound will

come through the speakers. To stop listening to
the DVD, press the CD AUX butlon. If a CD is loaded,
or press the BAND button to setect a different source.

Whan Ihe RSE system is turned ott, the DVD symbol will
go off of the radio display and the radio wilt display

RSË OFF. The radio wilt return to the last radio source

that you were listening to.