Traction assist system (tas) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Traction Assist System (TAS)

Yaur VBhIda may have a Traction Assist System (TAS)
that limits wheel spin. This is especiafly useful in
sHppery rntii:l conditions. The system operates only if it
senses that one or both oi the rear wheels are
spinning or beginning to lose traction. When this
happens, the system reduces engine power to limil
wheel spin.

The traction control system is enabled every time your
vehicle is started. The system wHI activate if It senses
that any of the wheels are spinning or beginning to lose

You may hear or feel the system working or notice a
tack of accelerator response, hut this is nonnal.

The Traction Assist System may operate on dry roads
under some conditions. When this happens, you
may notice a reduction in accelerahon. This is nonnat
and doesn't mean there's a problem with your vehicle.
Eifamples of these conditions Include a hard
acceleration in a tucn, an abrupt upshift or downshift of
the transmission or driving on rough roads.

li your vehicle is in cruise control when the TAS begins
to limit wheel spin, The cruise conirol will automalically

disengage. When rmd conditions allow you to safely

use IE again, you may re-engage the cruise control. See
Cruise ConiJTp/under Turn




page 3-7.

When the traction off light

Is on, the TAS Is otf and

wifi not I'imit wheel

spin. Adjust your driving
