GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 404

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Checking the Fluid Level

Prepare youf vehicle as follaws:

• Parlt your vehicle on a level place. Keep the engine


• With the parking brake applied, place Ihe &hiH lever

In PARK (P).

• With your fool on the brake pedal, njR ths engine

for al least once minute and shift to DRIVE (Dy
Tiren shift to NEUTRAL (M) and then REVERSE (R)
to flit the hydraulic system. Then, position the
shift lever in PARK (P).

• Allow Ihe engine |o run et Idle (5ÜI!P-8Qi!) rpm).

Slowly release Ihe brake pedal.

Then, without shutting off the engine, follow these steps:

Cold Chock Procedure

The purpose of the cold check ¡s to delemnine it the

iransrriission has enough ffuid to be operated safely until
a hoi check can be made. The fluid level rises as tluid
len^peraUire Increases. DO NOT tlN above the COLD
CHECK band if ihe tranamisslon fluid la below normal
operating temperatures.

1, Pull out ihe dipslick and wipe il with a clean rag or

paper rowel,

2. Push it back in all the way^ wait Ihree seconds and

then pull il back out again.

3, Check the fluid fevef reading. Repeat the check

procedure to verily the reading.

4. If the fluid level is within the COLD CHECK band,

the Iransmlssion may be operated unlii the ftuid Is
hot enough lo perform a hot check. If the fluid
level is nol wilhin the COLD CHECK band, add or
drain fluid as necessary to bring the level imo
the middle of the COLD CHECK band.



Perform a hof check at the fiiit opportunity alter the
nomnai operaling lemperalune of 160"F (7rC) lo
SOO^F {93“C) is reached.

11 the fluid level is in the acceptable range, push the
dipstick back In all the way.
