Setting preset ptys (rds only), Rds and dab messages – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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1, Turn thfl P-TYPE LIST knob. TYPE and a PTY will

appear on the display.

2. Select a category by turning the P-TYPE LIST knob.

3, Once the desired calogory is displayed, press eiiher

SCAN art™, and the radio will begin scanning
within your chosen oatogory,

4. Press wither SCAN arrow again 10 slop scanning.

BAND {Alternate Fneguedcy); Alternate frequency

allows The radio to switch to a stronger station wi|h the

same progTam type. Press and hotd BAND for two

seconds to turn alternate frequency on, AF ON
will appear on the display. The radio may switch to

stronger sialions. Press and hold BAND again tor two

seconds to turn alternate frequency off, AF OFF
wiFi appear on the display. The radio will not switch to
other stations.

This function does nol apply lor or DA(J.

SCAN; You can also scan through the channels within

a category by performing lbs toNowing:

Setting Preset PTYs (RDS Only)

The six fiLirrtbeiied pushbuttons let you reium to your
favorite PTYa. These buttons have factory PTY presets

You can S


t up lo 1 г PTYs (six FM1 and six FM£) by

performing the following steps;

1. Press BAND to select FMt or FM£.

2. Turn the P-TYPE LIST knob. TYPE and a PTY will

appear on the display.

3. Turn the P-TYpE LIST knob lo select a PTY.

4. Press and hold ore of the sis numberad pushbuttons

unhf you hear a beep. Whenever you press that
numbered pushbutton, the PTY you set will return^

5. Repeat the steps for each pushbutton

RDS and DAB Messages

ALERT!: AJert warns of local or national emergencies,
When an alert announcement comas on the current

radio station, ALERTI will appear on the display. You will
hear the announcement, even it the volume is muled

Of a compact disc la pfaying. If the compact disc player

is playir^g, play wilt stop during tha announcament.
You will not be able to lum off aiert announcements.

ALERTI wilt not be atiectad by tests nl the етвтдвпсу
broadcast system. This feature is not supported by
all FDS stations.
