Chemical paint spotting, Gm vehicle care/ap pea ranсe materials – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Cheirìcals us&d ior ice and sndw removal and dusi
control can coiled ort Ihe yndorbody. If Itiese are not
removed, accelerated corrosion (rust} can occur on
tho underbody parts such as fuel lines, irame, floor pan

and exhaust system even though they have corrosion

Al least avery sprlngi,, flush these materials Trom the
undarhody with plain water. Clean any areas where mud

and debris can oolfect. Dirt packed in close areas of

the frame should be roosened before being flushed.
Your dealer or an underbody car washing system can

do Ihls for you.

Chemical Paint Spotting

Some weathgr and alimosphenc condì tmns can create a
chemical falloul. Airborne pollutants can falf upon and
allach pair^ted surfaces on your vehicle, This daimage

can take two Forms; blotchy, ringlel-shaped
discolorations, and small Irregular dark spots etched Into
the paint surface.

Although no defect in the pajnt job causes this, GM will
repair, at no charge to the owner, the surfaces of
new vehicles damaged by ihls fallout condition wilhin
12 months or 12,000 miles {20 000 km) of purchase,

whichever occurs first.

Underbody Maintenance

GM Vehicle Care/Ap pea ranсe

See your GM dealer for mora information on purchasing
Ihe lol lowing productG.

GM Vehicle Care/Appearance Materials



Polishing Cloth
Waji-T reatsd

Interior end exlerlor
polishing cloth.

Tar and Road Oil

Removes Tar, road oil and

Chrome Cleaner and

Use on chrome or
stainless steel.

White Sidewall Tue

Removes soil and black
marks from whitewalls.

Vinyl Cleanar

Ctaans vinyl lops,

Uphotstery and

convertible tops.

Glass Cleaner

Removes dirt, grime,

smoke and fingerprinls.
