Listening to e dvd, Radio with six-disc cd – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Listening to e DVD

Your vehicle may have an overhead Rear Seat
Entertainment (RSE) Sy&tem. If your vehicle has Ihfs
system and a DVD Ls playing, the DVD symbol will
appear on Ihe radio display Indicating lhat th@ DVD is
avaitable and can be listened ihrough your vehicles
spsahor?, To listen to the DVD, press the TAPE DISC
buttor^ until RSE appears on The radio display. The
current radio №Urce will Step and tee DVD Sound will
come Ihrough the speakers. To stop listening to
tee DVD, press tee TAPE DISC button, IF a cassette
tape or a CD is loaded, or press ihe BAND button
te select a different source

When tee RSE system is fumed off, tee DVD symbol
will ga off of the radio display and the radio wtll display



. The radio will return to tee Iasi radio

source lhat you were listening te.

Radio with Six-Disc CD

Base Radio Shown, BoseS Similar

If your vehicle is equipped wllh tee Bose® audio system,
your vehicle will have




Bose™ amplrlied spealiers.
