Inílation — tire pressure, When to check – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Inílation — Tire Pressure

The Certific^Nonrriro latjeí, which on ¡ha rear adge af
the driver's ctoor, shows the corred inflation pressures
for your tires when (hgy're cold. "Cold" means your

vehicle has been sitting


at three hours



no more than 1 mile (1.'& kmiK


Don't !at anyone tell you that underinflatión

or overinflatlon Is ell right. Ifs not. If your tires
don't have enough sir (underinflatlon)^ you can get
the folJowIrrg;

* Too much ffoKing

* Too much heal

* Tire overloading

* Sad wear

* Bad handling

* Bad fuel economy

If your tires have too much air (overlntlatíon},
can get the following:

* Unusual wear

* Bad handling

* Rough ride

* Needless damage from road hazards

When to Check

ChsoK your liras once a monUi or more.

Also, check the titie pressure of the spare tire.

How to Check

Use a good quality рос1<ет4уре gage (o cheok tire
prossura, Vnu can't tell if your tires are property inflated
slitipEy by looking al fhem. Radial tires may 1оок
properly inflated aven


they're undshnllated.



sure to put the valve caps hack on the valve stems.

They help prevent leaks by keeping out pirt and
