Transportation options – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Transportation Options

Warranly s&tvice can ganeraJfy be compleled while you
wail. However If you are unable to Wait. GMC helps
Ttiinimizfi your Inconvonioncs by providing several
transporlaiion options. Depending on rhe circumstances,
your dealer can otter you one ot the following:

Shuttle Service

Participating dealer^ can provide you with shuttle
service to get you to your destination with miniina]
Interruption of your daily schedufe, This includes a one

way shuttle ride lo a desiirtation up lo 10 miles from

the dealership.

Public Transportation or Fuel

II your vehido requires ova might warranty repairs,
reimbursement up to S30 per day (five days rnaxinnunn)
may be available lor (he use of public Transportation
such as taxi or bus. In additioii, should you arrange

transportation through a friend or relative,

relmbursemenf for reasonable fuel expenses up to
SfO per day (five day maximum] may be available.
Claim amounts should redlect actual costs and bs
supported by original recaipts.

Courtesy Rental Vehicle

When your vehkile is unavailable due to overnight
warranty repairs, your dealer may arrange to provrde
you with a courtesy rental vehicle or reimburse you for a
rental vehicle you obtained, at an actual cost, up to a
maximurn of S30.00 per day supported by receipts. This
requires that you sign and complete a rental agreement
and meet stale, local and rental vehicle provider
requlrennenls. Regulriemer^ts vary and may include
minimum ago requirements, Insurarice coverage, cradit
card, etc. You are responsible for fuel usage charges
and may also be responsible far taxes, levies,
usage tees, excessive mileage or rental usage beyond
the completioji of I he repair.

Generally It is not possible to provide a Ilke-vehlcle as a
courtesy rental.
