Why safely belts work – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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In most slates and in all Canadian provinces, the lairtf
says to wear safety belts. Here’s why: Tfrey wodr.

Vou never know If you’ll be in a crash.


you do have


crash, you don’t know If it wifi be a bao one.

A lew crashes are mifd, and son^e crashes cari be so
serious (bat even buckled up, a person wouldn't survive.
But mosl crashes are In between,


many of them,

people who buckla up can survive and sometimes walh
away. Without belts they could have been badly hurt
or killed.

After more than 30 years of safety bells in vahicies, the
lads are clear, tn most crashes buckling up does
malten.. a lolJ

Why Safely Belts Work

When you ride in or on anything, you go as fast as
il goes.

Take tfie simplesl vehicle. Suppose it's just a seat on
