GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 52

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When using a child reshaint


a top strap rn either

rear outboard position, raise the head restraint and route
the lop strap through ihe fahnc loop on ihe seatback.

Then, attach the tap sliap to the anchor poirt at

the cenier rear seating position.

When using


child restraint with a top strap in the

center rear position, route the top strap through
the fabnc loop on Ihe seatback. Then, raise the head

restraint and attach the top strap to the anchor
point located at the closest outboard posibon.

Once you have Ihe top strap anchoredn you'll be reaciy
to secure Ihe child restrain itself. Tighten the top
strap when and as the child restraini manutacturei^s
Instructions say.
