Driving at night – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Driving at Night

Nighi driving is riiore dangerous than day driving. One
reason is that some drivers are iikeiy to be impaired — by
aleohdl qr drugs, with night vision problems, or by faligue.

Hera are some (ips on night driving.

% Drive delensively,

% Don’t drink arid drive.

% Ad)uat your inside rearview mirror lo reduce the

glare from headlamps behind you-


Since you ten't see as well, you may need to slow

down and keep more space between you and
other vehicles.


Slow down, especially on higher speed roads. Vour

headlamps can light up only so much road ahead,


In remote areas, watch for animals.

% It you're tired, puJI olt the road in a safe place

and rest.

No one oan see as well at night as in ihe daytime. But
as we gel older these differences incraasa. A
50-year-old driver may raquire at 'leasi twice as much
light to see Ihg same Ihing al night as a 20-year-otd.

What you do In ihe daytime can also affect your
night vision. For example, If you spend (he day in bright
sunshine you are wise to wear sunglasses. Vour


have less trouble adjusting to night. But if

you're driving, don't wear sunglasses al night. They may
cul down on glare from headlamps^ but they also
make a lot of things Invisible.
