Ignition transmission lock check, A caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Automatic; Transmission Shift Look
Control System Check


When you are doing ihis eheckj the vehicle
could move suddenly. If It does, you or others
could be Injured. Follow the steps betow.

1. Before you start, be sure you have enough room

around Ihe vehicle. It should he partied on a level

2. Fimnly apply Ihe pariiing brake. See Parking Brnki?

on page 2-44 If necessary.

Re ready to apply lha regular brake IrrhUTediately it
the vehicle begins to rrtove.

3. With the engine off, turn Ihe key to tha BUN

position, but don't start the engine.. Without applying
Ihe regular brake, try to move the shift fever out
□f PARK (P) with normal effort. If ihe shift lever
moves out of PARK (P), your vehicle needs service.

Ignition Transmission Lock Check

While partied, and with the parking brake sat, try lo turn
Ihe Ignition key to LOCK in each shift lever position.

■ With an automatic Iranamisaion. the key should turn

10 LOCK only when the shin lever is in PARK (P),

• With a manual Iransmission, Ihe key shoutd turn to

LOCK only when you press the key raleasa button.

On all vehicles, the key should come out only in LOCK.
