Driver position, Lap-should0r belt, Lap-should – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 23: R belt

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Driver Position

This part describes !ha dnver's restraint system,



r Belt

The driver has a Jat>-shoulder belt. Here's how (o wear It

1. Close and lock ihe door.


Adjust the seat so you can sit up siralghl. To see

how, see "Seats" in the Index.

3. Pick dp the latch piale and pull Uie bell across you.

Don’t let it get twisted.

The shoulder bell may lock if you pull Ihe belt
across you very quickly. If this happens, let the bell
go back slightly to unlock rt. Then pull ihe beJl
across you mone slowly.

4, Push the latch plate into tha tn>ckle unlil ll clicks.

Pull up on the latch plate to malie sure it is

secure, jf the belt isn't long enough, see


Seif Extender on page 1-31.

Make sure the release button on the buckla is

positioned so you would be able to unbtrckle Hie
safety belt quickly if you ever had lo.
