Theft-deterrent systems, Content theft-deterrent, Theft-delerrenl systems -1b – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 105: Deterrent, Content theft

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Theft-Deterrent Systems

Vehicle theft is brg business, especially in some cities.
Although your vehicle has a number of theft-daterreni
lealures, we knoiAi that nothing we pul on it can make il
impossible lo steal. Howsvef. there are ways you
can help.

Content Theft-


Vour vehicle itlay be equipped with a contení
theit-PeteTrent ajanri system.

With this system, the
security light will ffash as
you open the door (il
your ignition is otf). 10 1st
you know lhat you are
aclivaling the system.

This message remincls you Ic activate the tbeft-deterrent

system. Here's how to do (L

1. Open the door.

2. Lock the door with the power door lock switch or

1tie remote keyless enify transmitter. The security
light shouEcJ come oo and hash. Il using the

remote keyless entry transmilter, the door does not

need lo be 0F>en.

If Ihe delayed locking feature is active, ihe alarm


not be activated


ati doora are dosed

and the


light goes off.

3. Close all doors. The security light will stop flashing

and stay solid- The light should go off after
approsimatelv 30 seconds. The alarm is not armed
until the Eiecurlly light gees off.
