A caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 83

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li this happens and thfl switch is in Ihe proper posttion,

turn the vehiçie off and ask the person to place the
seatbac^ in the full upright position, then sit uptight In
the seat, centered on ihe seat cushion, with Ihe person's

legs comfortably ejctended, Restart the vehicle and
have the peraon remain in Ihis position for aboultwo
minutes. This will allow Ihe system lo detect lhal parson
and then enable the passenger's air bag.


ft the air bag readiness ifght in Ihe Instrument
panel duster ever comes on and stays on, it

means that something may be wrong wtih Ihe

air bag system. II this ever happens, have the
vehicle serviced promptly, because an
adult’sjze perspn sitting in the right front
passenger's seat may not have the protection

of the frontal atr bag. See "Air Sag Readiness
Ught” in the Irtde* for more on this, including
important safely information.

AheimarkeT equipment, such as seat covers, can aftec!
how well the passenger sansing system operates.
Vou may want to consider not using seat covers or other

afternnailiel equipment if your vehicle has the passenger

sensing syslem.
