Step-bum per pad – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 375

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Variable Mode: PTO spe&d control mode can be used
ior bolh stationary and плоЬИе appltcations. This
mode allows PTO to be controlled in a fasbron similar to
bow cruise control sets vehicle speed- The operator
can set to an rpm (between flOO and 5,200) wilh
the cruise control feature or with the SET posrtion on
the PTO switch. The operator is then able to increase
rpm in increments ol 100, or ''tap up" wilb the resume
position on the cruise control. Or. the operator can
decrease фт in increments of 100 with the SET switch
on ihe PTO


ihe cruise coni rol. Vehiefes not

equipped with cruise control will not have the "'tap
up" capabIMtv-

Ail engine spaed valúas listed above are laclory preset
values, With (he exception of ihe TCC lockup speed

фпг) and the Tap'' increment (IDO rpm), all

of these values are programmable and can be adiusted
by your dealer or body uptitter. If the PTO scStware
settings do ГЮТ rnalch the settings shown here, then [hey
may have already been altered Irt order to satisfy the

requirements of (he installed PTO system and body


Step-Bum per Pad

Vour vehjcie has a near step bumper with a near step
pad at the center of the bumper.

If you will be using the

bumper to low a trailer,
and your slop-bumper has
Three cutout cirePes, you

must push out the

center cutout cïrcfe to

Install the trailer ball.

If your step-bumper has only one cutout circle, yau will
have lo cul out ihg cancle, ihen remove It to install
Ihe trailer balk
