Loss of control, Skidding – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Loss of Control

Lels review what driving experts say about whal
happens when the three control systems tbrakes.

steering and accelsration) don’t have enough friction
wharo the tires meet the road to do whal ihe cfriver has

In any emergencyь don't give up. Keep trying to steer

and constancy seek an escape route or area of
less danger.


In a skid, a driver can [ase control of (he vehicle.
Defensive drivers avoid most skids by taking reasonable
care suited to existing conditions, and by not
"overdriving" Ibose conditions. But skids are always

The three types of skids conrespond to your vehicle's
three cdnirol systems. In (he braking skid, your wheels

aren't rolling, in the steering or cornering skid, too much
speed or steenng in a curve causes tiras to slip and lose

comerfng fence. And in ihg acceleration skid, too much
throttle causes the driving wheels to spin.

A cornering skid is bast handled by easing your fool off
ihe acceferalor pedal.

If you have Ihe Traction Assisi System, remember: U
helps avoid onty the acceleration skid. If you do not have
ihls system^ or it ihe system fs olf, then an accelerellor^
skid is also best harKjied by easing your foot off the

accelerator pedal.

If your vQhicle starts to slide, ease your fool off the
accelerator pedal and quickly steer ihg way you want
the vohicie to go. If you start steering quickly enough,
your vehicle may straighten out. Always be ready
for a second skid ii il occurs.


course, traetton is reduced when water, snow, Ice,

gravel or other material is on the road. For salety, you'll
want to slow down and adjust your driving to these
condillons. It is Emportant to slow down on slippery
surfaces because stoppir>g distance will be longer and
vehicfe control more limited.
