GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 412

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If steam Is Coming From Your Engine

CAUTION: (Contimjed)

everyone away tram the vehicfe until it cools
down. Wait untit there is no sign of steam or
coolant before you open Lhe hood.

If you keep driving when your engine is

overheated, the liquids in 11 can catch fire. You
or others could t№ badly burned. Stop your
engine if ft overheats, and get out of the

vehicle untiE the er^gine is cool.

See '^Overheated Engine Protection Operating
Mode" in the Index for information on driving

to a safe place in an emergency-

Slearrtfrom an overheated engine can burn

you badly, even if you Just open the hood. Stay
away from the engine if you see or hear steam
coming from it. Just turn it off and get

CAUTiOM: {Continued)


If your engEne catches fire because you

keep driving with no cooEant, your vehicle can
be badly damaged. The cosily repaErs would not be
covered by your warranty. See ^'Overheated

Engine Protection Operating Mode” in the Index for
information on driving to a safe plage in an

