Season odometer, Hourmeter, Annual log – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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То reael the personal or business trip lnfomialior>, bt>

ihe folicnwing press and hold select button for two

seconds while In one of the personal or business trip
modas. Thrs will reset all of the infanrahon for the
personal or business thp. or if your vehicle does nor
have the DiC steering wheel control buttons, press ihe

reset steoi on the inslTurrient panel cluster.

You can also resel the PERSONALr XX Ml, or
BUSINESS: XX Ml, while they are displayed by pressing
the reset stem on the cluster. If you press and hold
fhe resel siem or select button for four seconds,
the display will show the distance traveled since the fast
ignition cycle tor the personal or business trip.

Season Odometer

Press the trip infornnation bulton, or the trip odometer
reset step, until SEASON ODOMETER appears on

the display. This shows Ihe total distance the vehicle has


driven in either miles or


Pressing the

reset stem located

on Ihe instrument cluster


the vehicle off will also display fhe season odometer.


Press the trip button to scroll to the hou meter. The

hourroater shows the total number of hours the engine
has run. Pressing the reset stem on the instrument
duster will also display the hourmeter after the season
odometer Is displayed.

Annual Log

Press the trip button, or the reset slem on lh$ inst/uman!
panel duster, to scroll to the annua! log. The annual
log shows the mileage accumulated since iL was
last reset. To resel the annual log, press and hold the
select button, or the trip odometer reset stem for
appFO)iimately two seconds,


The Die can be used as a stopwatch. Press the select
button, or the trip odometer resel stem, while TIMER
IS displayed to start the timer. The display witi show the
amount of lime that has passed since the limer was
lost res^t (not including time the ignition is off). Time will
continue to be counted as lorrg as ihe ignition is on,
even it another display Is being shown on Ihe DfC, The
fimer wifi record up lo 99 hours, 59 minutes and
59 Seconds [59:59:59J after which the display will roll
back to zero.

To stop the counting of time, press the select button
briefly while TIMER is displayed.

To reset tha timer tig zero, press and hold the sefeqf
button, or the Trip odometer reset stam, while TIMER la
