GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 311

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Here are some [hings j^ou

musi not

do If you stall, or

are about to stall, whan gang up a hill,

• Never altqmpi to prevenl a stall by shilling into

NEUTRAL (N) (or pressing Ihe clutch, il you have a
manual transmission) to Tev-up' Ihe engine and
regain forward mornentum. This won't work. Your
vehicle will roll backwards very quickly and you
could go Out of controi.

fnsiead, apply the regular brake to stop the vehicle.

Then apply the parking brake. Shift to

REVERSE (R), release the padong broke. ar>d

slowly back straight down.

• Never oLtempI to tum around if yog are about to

stall when going up a hill. If the hill is steep
enough to stall your vehicle, it's steep enough to

cause you 1o roll over il you turn around. If you can't

make it up the hill, you must back straight down
the hilL

Suppose, after stalling, I try to back down the hill
and decide ; Just can't do it. What should I do?

A; Sat the parking brake, pul your transmission in

RARK (P). or the manual transmission in FIRST (t),
and lum off the engine. Leave the vehicle and
go get some help. E


II on the uphill side and stay

clear of Ihe path the vehicle would take if U
rolled downhill. Do not shift the transfer casa to
NEUTRAL when you leave the vehicle. Leave it in
some gear.

Shifting the transfer case to NEUTRAL can

cause yciir vehicle to roll even if the
transmission is in PARK (P) (or, it you have
the manual transmission, even if you're in
gear). This is because Itie NEUTRAL position
on the transfer case overrides ihe
transmission. You or someone else coufd be
injured. If you are going to leave your vehicle,
set the parking brake and shift the

CAUTION: (ConllnuecJ)
