Setting preset stations, Setting the tone (bass/treble) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Tü scan preset slaliünS, f>réss and hüid üñe ül ihe arrOWí
For more ihan lour secontís. The radto will produce two
beeps. The radio will scan to the lirsl preset statior, play
For a lew seconds, than go on to the next preset station.
PSCN will be displayed. Press one of Ihe arrows again or
one oF the pushbuttons to slop scanning.

The radio will


only to


stations that are

In the

selected band and only to those with a strong signal.

Setting Preset Stations

The six numbered pushbuttons lei you return to yOur
tgvorite staSons. You can set up to 30 slalions {sin AM,
six FM1 arid six FM2, six XM1 and six XM2 (USA only, il
your radio is equipped with the XM Saiellile Radio
Service) or six DAB1 and six DAB2 (Canada only, it your
radio is equipped wilh DAS), by performing the Following

1. Turn the radio on.

2. Press BAND to setBct AM, FMl or FM2, or Xlyil,

XM2. Of F^ABl, 0AB2.

3. Tune in the desired station.

4. Press AUTO EQ to choose the bass and treble



alion that best sulEs the lype oí station

you are listening to.

E. Press and hotd one of |hs six numbered

pushbuttons. The radio will produce one beep.
Whenever you press (hat numbered pushbutton, the
station you set will return and the bass and Irebie
equelizalioh thai you selecled wiN also bo
autontatically setecied for that pushbutton.

&. Repeat ihe steps For each pushbutton.

Setting the Tone (Bass/Treble)

AUDtO; Fress and release (he AUDtO knob until
BASS, MID or TREE appears on Ihe display. Turn the
knob to increase or to decrease- The di^ptay will
show ihe bass, Ttiidfange or trebte level, II a station is
weak or noisy, you may want lo decrease the treble.

To adjust the bass, midrange, and treble lo the JnkJdle
position, push and hold the AUDIO knob. The radio
will produce one beep and adfusl (he display level to the

middle posilion.

To adjusl all tone and speaker controls to the middle
position, push and hold the AUDIO knob when no tons
or speaker controJ is displayed. The radio will produce
one beep and display ALL with the level display in
the middle position.
