How to wear safety belts properly – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Qi к I'm a good driver, and i never drive tar from

honrw, why shoLid I wear safety belts?

A: Y

may be an e>£cellenldriver. bu1 it ygu're In an

accident - even one that isn't your fault - you and
your passengers can he hurl. Being



driver doesn't protect you froni things beyond yüur
control, such as bad drivers,

lylosr aocidenls occur within 25 miles (40



homo. And thq greatest number of serious Infuries
arid deaths occur at speeds of less than 40 mph

(05 km/h).

Safety belts are for avaryone.

How to Wear Safety Belts Properly

This part Is only


psopla ol adult si?o.

Be aware that there are special things to know about

saiery bctts and ditldren. And there are different

rules for smaller children and babies. If a child will be
riding in your vehicle, see

Oider Chifdr&n on page i-32


infants and Yoong Cftiidren on page 1 -34„


those rules for everyone's protection,

Rfsl, youll want to know which reslrainl systems your
vahicle has.

We'IJ start wilti the driver position.
