Setting preset ptys (rds only) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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SCAM; You сал also scan (hraugh the channels within
a calego^v by parfonnmg Ihe Following;

1. Turn the P-TVPE LIST knob. TYPE and a PTV will

appear on the display.

2. Select a category by turning (he P^TYPE LIST knoh

3. Once (he desired category Is cUspFsyed, press either

SCAN arrow, and the radio will begin scanning
within your chosen Category.

4. Press wiiher SCAN arrow again to stop scanning.

BA NO [Atternatfl Prepuency): Altérnale irequency
allows the radio to switch to a stronger station with the
same program type. Press and hold BAND for iwo
seconds lo turn aKemate frequency on, AF ON

witi appear on the display.


radio may switch to

stronger stations. Press and hold BAND again for two
seconds to turn alternate frequency off, AF OFF
will appear on the display. The radio will гю1 switch to
other stalions.

This function does not apply for or DAB.

Setting Preset PTYs (RDS Only)

The six numbered pushbuttons iet you return to your
favorite PTYs. These buttons have factory PTY presets
You can set up to 12 PTYs (sin FM1 and six FlyiSj by

performing the following steps-

T Press BAND to setaqi FM1 or FM2r


Turn the Р-ТТРЁ MST knob. TYPE and a PTV will

appear on the display,

3. Turn Ihe P-TYPE LIST knob to select a PTY.

4. Press arid hold one of the six numbered

pushbuttons until you hear a beep. Whenever you

press (hat numbered pushbutlon, (he PTV you
set will return.

5. fiepaat the steps for each pushbutton.
