GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 288

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li there's



the anlj-lock biake system,

ihis warning light will
gray qn. See


Br^ke System Waruing


page 3-4 f.

Along with ABS, your vehicle has э Dynamic Rear
Praporlioning [DFP) system. If there’s a DRP problem,
both the Brake and ABS warning Nghts will come on
aocompanied by a 10-seconcJ chime+ The llghls
and chime will come on each lime lha Ignition la turned
on until the problem is repaired. See your dealer for


Let’s say the road is wet and you're driving safely.
Suddenly, an animal jumps out In Iront oi you. You slam

on Ihe brakes and continue braking. Here’s what

happens with ABS;

A compuiar senses that wheels are slowing down. If
one ol the wheels is about tu stop rolling, the computer
wilt separately work the brakes at each front wheel
and ai bolh rear wheels.
