Air bag readiness light, Air bag off light – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Thefe Js an air bag readin&ss light on the instrument

panel duster, which shows the air bag symbol.

The system checks the air bag's eleclrical system for

maJiunctions. The light telEs you if there is an eleclrical
problem. The system check includes ihe air bag
sansors, the air bag modules, the passenger sensing
system (if equipped), the wiring and the crash sensing

and diagnostic module. For more Inlormation on the
air bag system, see Air Bag S/si&ms co page

Air Bag Readiness Light

Tbis light will oomo on
when you start youf
vehicle, and ii will flash for
a few ssccnds. Then the

tight should go out. This
means the system is ready.

If the air bag readiness light stays on after you slart the
vehtcle or comes on when you are drivingj your air
bag system may nol worii properly. Have your vehicle
serviced righ! away

Wlien you turn Ihe righi from passenger's air bag off,
tiiis light will t>a lit and stay lit lo remind you that the air
bag has been turned oft This light will go oft when
you turn the air bag back on again. See Air Bag

Off Switch cn page 1-6S for more on |his, including

■Important safety infoimalion. The AIR RAG OFF light will

look like one of Ihe (oHowing illustrations.

Air Bag Off Light

United States with Passenger Sensing System
