A caution, Loading your vehicle – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Loading Your Vehicle



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The Certiiicaiion^Tire label also tells you tho maximum
wBights for the front ard near axles, cailed Gross
Axle Weight Rating (GAWR). To find oul the actual loads

on your front and raar axles, you need to go to a

weigh slalion and weigh your vehicle. Vour deafer can

help you with this. Be sure to spread out your load

equally on both sides of Iha centerline.

hiGver exceed Hie GVWR for your vehicle, or the GAWR

tor either the front or rear axle.

The Certificationrrire label also contains information

about your Fronl Axle Reserve Capacity. See “Front
Axle Reserve Capacity" later fn this seciign.

And, IF you do have a heavy load, you should spread

il DuL

The Certificatron/Tire label is found on the rear edge of
the driver's door or in the Incomplete Vehicle
Document in Ihe cab.

The label sftows the size of your original lires and the
inflation pressures needed to obtain the gross weight

capacity of your vabicle. This Js called the GVWR (Gross
Vehicle Weight FalingJ. The GVWR includes the
weight of (he vehicle, all occupants, fuel and cargo.


In the case of a sudden stop or collision,

things carried in the bed of your truck could
shift forward and come into Ihe passenger

area, injuring yo'J snd others. If you put things
irt the bed of your truclg you should make sure

they are properly secured.
