A caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 470

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Remove all tha wheel

ГкЛз and taka oif the
tl^t lira.

Femova any rual ot din
Irom itie lA+ieel bolts,
mounting surfaces

and spare wheel.

Rust or dirt on the wheel, or on ihe parts to

which it ia fastened, tan make the wheel nuta

become loose after a lime. The wheel could
come off and cause an accident. When you
change в wheel, remove any rust or dirt from

the places where the whesl attaches to the

vehicle. In sn emergency» you can use a cloth
or a paper towel to do this; but be sure to use

a scraper or wire brush later^ if you need to, to
get all the rust or dirt off.


Never use oil or grease on studs or nuts. If
you do. the nuts might come loose. Vour wheel
could fall off, causing a serious accident.
