GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 405

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Hot Check Procedure

Ttie Fluid must b* hot to ensure an accuraie checli. The
fluid rise^ ns ternpemture Jncreases-


Ihe transmission in DPlV^ (□} range until

the normal operating lemperalute of 160'’F (7i''C)
to 200'^F (93X) is ranched.

2. Pull out the dipstick and wipe it with a dean rag or

paper towei.

3. Push is hack in git the way, wait three seconds and

then pull It back out again. Repeal the check
procedure to verify the reading.

4. Sate operating, level is within the HOT RUI^ band

on the dipstick The width of the HOT flUN band
represent approitmately 1.06 guart (1,0 liter)
ol fluid at normal operating temperature.

5. If the fluid tgvet is not within the HOT RUN band,

add or drain fluid as necessary to bring the fluid
level lo within the HOT RUN band,

6. IF the ftuid level La In (he acceptable range, push the

dipstick back tn all the way.

Consistency of Readings

Always check ihe fluid level at least twice using the
pnOcedurea described previously. Consistency
(repeatable readings) is important to maintaining proper

fluid level. It inconsistent readings peislat. check the

iransrhission breather to be sure


is clean and

unclogged, II readirtga are süll inconsistent, contact your

How to



Petar to the Maintenanca Schedule ta determine what
hind oi trEinsmi&sion fluid lo use. See Pad 0.'

flacommend'ed Fiutds and Lubncénîs on page 6- TS.

Add fluid only after checking the transmission fluid while
II is hot. {A cold check la used only as a reference.) IF
the fluid level is loWf add only anough of the proper fluid
to bring 1he level up (o The HOT area for a hot check

It doesn't lake much fluid, genersJly less than one

pint (0.5 L)


Don'! cveffUi.


We recommend you use only fluid labefed

□EXROIsr^ III, because fluid with thai label is

made eapecially for your euto mafic iTansmission.

Damage caused by fluid other than DEXRON“^
III is not covered by your new vehicle warranty.

• After adding fluid, recheck the fluid levai as

descftbed under H


to Ch^pif.

* When the correct fluid level Is obtained, push the

dipslick back in all the way.
