Tires, A caution, Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Vour new vehicle corres with hiph-quallty fares made by
a l&adinp lire manuiaclurer. tl you over have questions
□ bout your lire warranty and wiitííe to obtain sen/icB,
see v<3hr wairanty booklet for details.



Poody mBintainad and infiproperly used tires
are dangerous.

• Overloading your tires cart cause

overheating as a result of too much
frictiori. You could have art air-out and a
serious accident. See "Loading Your
Vehicle” in the index.

CAUTIOhi: (Contirrued)


tires pose the same danger

as overloaded tires. The resulting accident

could Cause serious injury.

Check all tires

frequentiy to rmaintain the recommended

pressure. Tire

pressure should

be checked

when your

tires are cold.

Overinflated tires are mare likely to be cut,
punctured or broken by a sudden
Impact — such as when you hit a pothole.

Keep tires at the recommended pressure.

Worn, old tires can cause accidents. If
your tread is badly worn, or if your tires
have been damaged, replace them.
