GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual
Page 82
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Tha passenger sensing syslem is designed to turn oit
Hie right front passenger^s frontal air bag if;
• ihE ipghl front passenger seal is unoccupiod
• the sysiem delerminas that an Infanl is present in a
rear-ladng Infant seat
^ ttie sysiem delerminas that a small child is present
in a forward-facing child resiraint
the system determinas that a smatl child is present
in a booster Seat.
• a right front passenger lakes hisrfier weight oft of
the seat for a period of time
• the right front passenger seat is occupied by a
smaller person, such as a child who has outgrown
child restraints or a very small person
• the air bag off switch is in the oft position
• or if there Is a critical problem with the air hag
system or the passenger sensing sysiem
When the passenger’s frontal air bag has been turned
off either by the passenger sensing system or by the air
bag off switchK the off ¡Tidicalor will light and slay N1 to
remind you that (he air bag is off.
The passenger sensing system is designed lo turn oft
The passenger's fronlai air bag when a rear facing infant
seat, a farward-facing child restraint or a booster seat
is detected it tha child restraint has been instalied
and tha on Indicator is lit. turn (he vehicle off, remove
the child resiraint from ihe vahicle and reinstall the
restraint following the child restraint manufacturer's
directions and reter to
Ch//d Resirâ/'ni in l/ie
ff/çhî Front SeiJt Posii/an on page T-54
of this manual.
If altar reinstalling the child restrairiit and restarting
the vehicle, the on mdicaior is still fit, secure Ihe child in
the child rostraint m
rear seal posilion in the vehicfe
and check with your dealer.
The passenger sensing aystem is designed to enabEa
(may intlale) the righl fronl passengers frontal air
bag anytime the system senses thal a person of adult
size is sitting property in the ftghl from passenger’s seal
When the passenger sensing system has allowed the
air bag to be onablad, the on Indicator will light and stey
lit to remind you that the air bag is aciive.
If a
persoft of
adult-size is sitferrg in the ngh!
passenger's seal butthe off
is lit, it could be
because ihal
isn’t sitting properly in ihe seal
air bag oft switch is in Ihe oft position.