What will you see after an air bag inflates, A caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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What Will You See After an Air Bag


Ailef an air bag Nnflaies, it quickly deliates,


quickly that

some people may not even realiis the utr bag Inilaled,

Sorre components of the air bag module — the steenng

wheel hub lor ihe driver's air bag, or thg insinjment panel
for the right front passenger's bag - will be hot for a short
time. The parts of the bag that come into contact wilh you

may be warm, but not loo hoi to touch. There will be
some smoke and dust coming fnoiTi ihe vents iri ihe
deflated air bags. Air bag inflation doesn't prevent the

driver from seeing or being able to steer the vehicle, nor
does it stop people from leaving the vehicle.


When an sir bag inflates, there ¡


duGt in the

air. This dust ecu id cause breathing problems
lor people with a hiatory of asthma or other

breathing trouble. To avoid this, everyone In

CAUTlOM: (Continued)

the vehicle should get out as soon as it Is safe
to do so. tf you have breathing problems but

can't get out ot the vehicle after an air bag
ioMatesT then get fresh air by opening a
window or a door. If you experience breathing
problems following an air bag deploymeni, you

should seek medical attention.

in many crashes severe enough to inflale Ihe air bag,
windshields are broken by vehicle deformation.
Addibonaf windshield breakage may also occur from the

fight from passenger air bag.


Air bags are destgned to inflate only once. After

they inflate, you'll need some naw parts for your
air bag sysiem. If you don't gel them, the air

hag system won't be there to help protect you In
another crash. A new system will include air
bag modules and possibly other pads. The service

manual for ycui vehicle cavers Ihe need' 'lo
replace other parts.
