GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 246

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Radío Messages (cont’d)

Radio Display



Action Required

No Info

Category Name not

No category informatkifl is available al this lime on this
channel. Your system is wortííng properly.

No IniD

No Text/lnlormational
message available

No text or Informational messages are available at this
lime on this channel. Your system Is working properly.

Not Found

No channel available for
Ihe chosen caiegoty

There are no channels available lor ihe category you

selected. Your system la working properly.

XM Locked

Theft lock active

The XM ngrarver In your vehicle may have previously been

In another vehicle, For security pgrpases. XM receivers
cannot be swapped between vehicles. It you receive this
message after having your vehicle serviced, check with tba
servicing facitity.

Radio ID

Radio ID label
(channel 0}

If you tune to channel 0, you will see this message
alternating with your XM Radio B digit radio ID label. This
label is needed to activate ycur service.


Radio ID not known
(should only be it
hardware failure}

If you receive this message when you tune to channel 0.
you may have a receiver laull. Consult wilh your dealer.

Chk XMRcvr

Hardware lailure

If this message does not dear within a ahorl period of time,
your receiver may have a fault. Consult with your retail
