Additional program information – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Additional Program Information

Courtesy Transportation is available during the
Bumper-to-Bumper warranty coverage period, but It is
fjoS part of the New VehicJe LlmctEd Warranty. A
separate hookiet entitled Warranty ianp Owngr

AssisJance infofmaiion

furnished with each new vehicle

provides detailed watiranty coverage informatlopv

Courtesy Transportation is available only at participating
d&flfere and all prograin opliO'ns. such as shuttle
service, may not be available at every dealer. Please
contact your dealer for specirlik: Inlormation about
availability. AN Courtesy Transportation arrangefnents
wili be administered by appropriate dealer personnel.

Canadian Vehicles: For warrar^ty repairs during
the Complete Vehicle Coverage period cA the General
Motors of Canada Mew Vehicfe i-imited Wariianty,
alternative transpoftation may be avaiiabie untferthe
Courtesy Transportation Program. Please consult
your dealer for details.

G&nemi Motors reserves the right to unfiateraHy modify,

shenge Or d/sconiiimje Coudesy Transpodsiion ai
any iitn& and io resolve all quesdons of ciaim eligibility
porsijsnt to the terms &ncf oorTciitions described
rtereiri af its safe discretfon.

II you bafieve that your vehicle has a detect which could

cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you
should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic
Safoiy Administration {NHTSA). in addition 1o notifying

Generai Motors.

If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an

investigation, and il it finds that a safety defect eitiste in
a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy
campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in
individual problems between you, your dealer or
General Motors.

To contact MhfTSA, you may ehtier calf the Auto Safely
Hotline toll-free at 1-900^424^9393 (or 369^0123 in
the Washington, O.C. areai or write to:

NHTSA, U,S. Department of Transportatjon
Washrngfon, D,C. 20590

You can also obtain other information about motor
vehicle safety from Ihe hotline.

Reporting Safety Defects to the

United States Government
