Rear seat top strap anchors {extended cab models) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Rear Seat Top Strap Anchors

{Extended Cab Models)

If your vehicle is a regulgincgb nnodel, there is also a

lap SI rap anchor lor tiis right Front passengar position
tocated on the back panel of your vehicle, behind
the fight front passenger seal. In order to get to Ihe
anchor^ you'll have to remove Ihe Irim plug covenng iL

Once you have the lop strap anchored, you'lt be
ready lo secure the child restraint itself. Tighterr the top

strap when and as The child



inslructjons say.

If your vehicle is an e>terrded cab model, you1l find She

top strap anchors for the rear sealing positions near

the top of the sealback. In addition To the top strap
anchors, each seating position has a fabric loop al the
top of the seatbacl< that you’ll use to route a top

strap through.
