Camper/fifth-wheei trailer wiring package – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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The eigiht-wpre harness contains Che following trailer

Vellow: Left Stop/Turn Signal

Darit Graenr Right Slop/Tum Signal

Brown: Taiiiamps

While; Ground

Llghl Green: Back-up Lamps

Light Blue; CHMSL

Bed; Battery Feed

Dark Biue Trailer Brake

It your trailer is equipped wilh eleciric brakes, you can
get a Jumper harness {electric trailer brake control)
with в trailer baltery feed fuse from your deafer.

(f you need to tow a light-duty trailer wilh a standard
tour-way round pm connector you can also get an
adapter from your dealer.

Camper/Fifth-Wheei Trailer Wiring Package

The elghl-wire camper harness is located under ihe

front edge oi the pickup box on Ihe drlver^B side of the
vahicle, attached to Ihe frame brackel A connector
will have to he added lo the wiring harness whicin
connects lo Ihe camper.

The Bight-wire harness conlalns the following


VeNow; Left Stop/Tum Signal

Dark Green: Right Stoprrum Signal

Brown: Taillarmps

White: Ground

Light Green: Batk-up Lamps

Light Blue: Center High-Mounted Stoplamp


fled; Battery Feed

Dark Blue: Trailer Brake

A [umper harness for an eJecthc trailer brake controller
and a trailer battery feed Fuse are included with ihis
Irailonng package. (See fnsfrumeat Panel Jumper

W iring


later in thia section.)
