Hydraumc clutch system check, At least once a year key lock cylinders service, Body lubrication service – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 512: Д caution, Automatic transmission check starter switch check

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CbecV ihe transmrs&ion fluid lev&f; add if needed. See

Autofn^iic TrBnsnrisskin Fluid (Except Atlison

Transmission} on радо 5-^5 oi Auicmalia Transmission

Fluid ^Afiison Transmission) on page 5-28.

A Iluid

idss may indtcate a problem Checfi the syslem and

repair (f needed-

HydrauMc Clutch System Check

Check Ih


fluid level In the dutch reservoir. See

Hydraulic Ciuict} on page

5'82. A Iluid loss in this

system could indicale a problem. Have the system
Inspected and repaired al oncer

At Least Once a Year

Key Lock Cylinders Service

Lubricate the key lock cylinders with the fubricanl

specrfted In Part D.

Body Lubrication Service

Liibficale all

body door


hood latch assambly,



pivots, spring anchor,



tailgate hinge,


linkage, tailgate handle

pivot points, latch bolt, (ual door hinge, locks and folding

hardware. Pari

D tells you whgt

to use.


iTequdnt tubrlcalion may be required wtien exposed to a
corrosive environmenL

Automatic Transmission Check

Starter Switch Check


When voi^ are doing this check, tha vehide
could move suddenly. If tt does, you or olhers
could be injured. Follow the steps below.

1. Betore you start, be sure you have enough room

around ihe vebicie.

2. Firmly apply both the parking brake and |he regular

brake. See Paricing Brake on page-2-44 If

Do not use the accelerator pedal, and be ready to
rum ott the ersgine immediately if It starts.

3. On automatic transmission vвhicles^ try to start (he

engine in each gear. The starter should work only
in PARK (P) Of NEUTRAL (NJ. I! Ihe starlet works in
arty other position, your vehicle needs service.

On manual iransmission vehicles, put the shifl lever

In NEUTRAL [N), push the clutch down halEwgy

and try to start the engine. The starter should work
onty when the dutch is pushed down all Ihe way

to the floor. If the starter works when ihe clutch isn't
pushed all the way down, your vehicle needs