Four-wheel drive, Manual transfer case, Front axle locking feature – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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While you accelerate. It is normal lor the light to go
on and off it you quickly change the position of
the accelerator.

If your vehicle has four-wheel drive anil is equipped

with a manual tiansmlBSion, disregard Ihe SHIFT

light when the iranster case is in 4-Wheel Low^

Ignore the SHIFT tight when you downshift.

Four-Wheel Drive

II your vehicle has lour’wheel drive, you can send your

engine's driving power to all four wheels for e^itra



get the most salislaclron out of four-wheel

drive, you must ho familiar with ils operalion* Read
Ihe part that tollows before using iour-wheei drive. See

the appropriate taxi far the Uansfer case in your


Driving in the 4-WHEEL HIGH (4HI) or

4-WHEEL LOW {4LO) positions tor a long lime on
dry or wet pavement could shorten Ihe life of
your vehicle's drivetrain.

The front ante locks and unlocks auTomatically when
you shift Ihe transfer case. Some delay lor the a^le to
took Of unlock is norrnal

Manual Transfer Case

Front Axle Locking Feature

The transfer ca№ shill tever Is on the floor lo the right
ct the driver. Use this lever lo shift into and out of

four-wheel drive
