Rear seats – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Rear Seats

Rear Seat Operation (Extended Cab)

Folding the Rear Seat

Tha Hxtandad rear seat can be folded yp to
provide more cargo space. To fold Ihe seat do Ihe

1. PuJI forward on the

release strap iocated
under the rear seal


2. Fold [he seal cushion upward until it lalches with

the seatbaCk,

3. Push and pulí on 1he seat to nnake sure the seat


The extended cab's rear seat can also be told&d open
tor more sealing space. To use Ihe seat do Ihe (oliowmg:

1. Push rearward on ihe seat cushion while pulEing

up on the release strap under Ihe seat cushion.

Pull the seal cushion dowrrward unlll jl falches.


After pulling the seat cushion down, pull up on rt to

n>ake sure It la locked.
