A caution, Safety warnings and symbols – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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find a number ыf вв(ely cauEfons in Ehis book. We

use a box and ibe word C/UJTION lo E


(I you about Ibtngs

thal could hurt you if you were to Ignore the wrarningi

Safety Warnings and Symbols


Those mean there la sorrethln^ that coufd hurt
you Or other people.

In the caution area, we teii you what (he hajerd is.

Then we tell you what to dû to help avoid or ieducs (he
hazard. Please read these caudons. if you dooT, you
or others could ba hurt.

Vou will atso find a circle
with a slash through it in
this book. This safety
symbol means ‘'Don'l,”
“Don’t do this" or "Don‘1 let
this happen."
