GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 77

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CanadB without Passenger Sensing System

This switch should only be turned lo AIR SAG OFF if

the person in the right front passenger’s position is
□ member of a passenger risk group identified by (he
nation si govemmgni as follows:

Infant. An infant (less than 1 year old)
must ride in the front seat because:

• my vehicle has no reer seat:

• my vehicle has a rear seal too small to

accommodate a rear-facing infant seat; or

• the infant has a medical condition whlch^ according

to the infant's physician, makes it necessary for (he
iiri'fant to ride in the frigni seat &o (hat the driver
can Oonstantiy monitor the child's condition.

Child age 1 to 12. A child age 1 to 12 must
ride in the front seat because:

• my vehicle has no rsar seal;

• although children ages 1 to 12 rrde in the near

saat[s) whenever possible, children ages 1 to 12
someUmes must ride in the front because no space
is avgilaWe in the rear seatfs) of my vehicle: or

• the child has


medical condition which, according

lb the child’s physician, makes il necessary tor the

child to ride in the front seal so thal the driver
can constantly monitor the child's corKlrtign.
