Testing the alarm – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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If fl doOT IS opened without [he key or Ihe reitiote
keyless entry iransmttter, the alami will go off* Your

vehicle’s headlamps will flash and Ihe horn will sound lor
about two min ules, then will turn off to save the

bstlery power

Romember the theit-deterrenl system won't actívale rf

you lock the doora with a hey or use the manual

door krek. It activates only


you use a power door loch

switch with the door open, or with the remote keyless
entry transmrtten You should also rememloer tha!

you Can start yOur vehida with the earned ignition key ll

the alarm has been set off.

Here's how to avoid setting off the alarm by accident:

• If you don’t want to achvate the theft-cíeteríent

sysferrr, the vehicle should be locked with the daor
key affeMhe doors are dosed.

• Always unlock


door with a hey, or use the remote

keyless entry iransmrtter. Unlocking a door any
other way win sot off the alarm tf Ihe sysleim
has been armed.

If you set off the alarm by accident, unlock any door with

the key. You can also lum off the alarm by pressing

UNLOCK on the remote keyless entry iransmitter or by

placing the key in the ignition and turning it lo START*

Testing the Alarm

The alarm can be tested by foflowing thesfl steps:

1. From inside ihe vehicle, lower (he driver’s window

and open the driver’s door.


Activate the syslem by locking Ihe doors with (he

power door lock swilch while the door is of>en, or
with the remóle keyless entry transmitter.

3. Get out of the vehicle, dose (he door and wart for

thq security light to go out.


Then reach in through the window, unlock the door

With Ihe manuaJ door lock and open the door. This
shoLild set off (he alarm.

If the alarm does not sound when it should but the
vehicle's headlamps flash, check lo see if ihe horn
works. The horn fusa rnay ba blown. To replace
Ihe fuse, see Fuses

and Circuit Breakers on paQe 5-1 tl.

IT the alarm does not sound or ihe vohicie's headlamps
do not flash, Ihe vahide should be serviced by an
authorized service center.