Maintenance when trailer towing – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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When You Are Ready to Leave After
Parking on a Hill

1» Apply your regular braties and hold the pedal down

while yoUn

• start your engine,

• shift into


geain and



partying brake.

2. Lei up on Ihe brake pedal.

3. Dri\/e slowly until ihe trailer is clear of ihe chocks.

4. Stop and ha^re someone pick up and store the


Maintenance When Trailer Towing

Your vehrcle will need service rnone often whan you're
pulling a trailer. See ihe Maintenance Schedule for more
On this. Things that are s$peciaJly important in trailer
operalion are automatic transmission lluld (don't overfil'IJ,


I, axle lubricant, belt, coaling system and

brake system. Each of these is covered in this manual,
and Ihe lnde:< will heip you hnd them quickly. If
you're trailering, it’s a good Idea lo review these sections
betcrre you start yaur trip.

Check periodicalJy to see that


hitch nuts and bails

are tighi,

YnuT vehicle is equipped with one of Ihs toilowing wiring
harnesses for towing a trailer or hauling a siidS'in

Gasic Trailer Wiring

All regular, extended cab crew cab pickups have a

six-wine trailer towing hamese.

Traiier Wiring Harness

The sFX'wlne harness is located at the rear of ihe vehicle
and is lied to the vehicle's frame. The harness requires
the installation pf a traitenwiring harness connector,
which is available through your deals
