Noise control system, Tampering with noise control system prohibited – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Noise Control System

Tampering with Noise Control
System Prohibited

The following inionmalion relates to compliance with
leciaml noise emissiori standards for vehidss with a
Gross Vehicle WelghI Rating (GVWR) of mono than

10,000 !bs (4 5Э6 kg). The Maintenance Schedule

provides Informatran on Tnaintgining the noise control
syslem to minimize degradation of lhe noise emissiori

control system dering the life of your vehicle. The noise
control systerri warranty is given In your warranty boaklot.

These standards apply only to vehicles soEd in ihe

United Slates.

Tampering With Noise Control System


Federal' Jaw prohibits Ihe following acts or the causing


1 The removal □ г renderj ng i nope ralive by any pe г5оп„

other than for purposes o( maintenance, repair or
replacement, of any device or element ot design
incorporated into any new vehicle lor Ihe purpose of
noise control, prior lo its sale or cfelivery to the
ultimate purchaser or while ilis In use; or


The use of the vehicle after such device or elenwnl

□f design has teen removed or rendered Inoperative
by ai^y person.

Among thos^ acts presunned to eonalllule tampering arg
the acts listed below.


♦ Rarnoval of the noise shields or any uncfarhood



• Removal or rendering engine speed governor (if

equipped) inoperative so as lo allow engine
speed lo eKteed manufacturer specificalfons.

Fan and Drive:

• Removal of fan clutch {if egulpped) or rendering

clutch irtoperatlve.

* Removal of the far) shroud {If equipped).

Air Intake:

» Removal oi the air cleaner silencer.

% ModlMcation of the air cleaner.


* Removal of Ihe muffler and/or resonator,


Removal of the exhaust pipes and o)ihausl pipe

