Video screen, Remote control, Remote controj buttons – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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background image

Video Screen

Remote ControJ Buttons

The video screen is tocaled in the overtiEad console. To

use ihe video screen, push fon^ard on the release

latch and the screen wril told down. Adfust Ihe screen's

position as desiied. When the video screen Is nol in
use, push it up into its laiched position.

The DVD player and display wiH

Continue to Operate

when Ihe screen is in ailher (he up

or the down position.


video screen conlalns

the infrared transmitters


the wireless


and the ir>trared







If Ihe screen is in the closed

l^osiliori, the infrared signals


not be availabta tor the

□ peration of the headphones and the remote coni rol.


Avoid directly touching the video screen, as

damage may occur. Do not touch the video screen.
See '‘CEeaning the Video Screen" in the tndex
for more information.

Remote Control

To use the remote control, aim it el Ihe infrared window
below the video screen and press Ihe desired button.
Direct sunlighi or very bright light may affect the ability of
(he entartalnment System lo receive signals from the
remote control. Jf fhe remote control does not seem to
be WDdtjnQf Ihe balteries may need to be replaced.
See "Battery Replgcemenf latar in this section.

Objects blocking the line of sight may also affect the
function of (he remote contruJ.

A. Power: Press this button to turn the DVD player on

or off.

B. Title: press this button to return lha DVD to Ihe

main menu oj (he DVD.

C. Menu Mavigation: Use the arrow keys to navigate

ibrough a menu. The up arrow Will Skip to the ne>tt
chapter or track, the down arrow will take you to Ihe
bogi nni ng of the cu ment chapte r or track.


ress th


down arrow twice 1o lake you to the previous chapter
or track. The right arrow will fast forward and fhe l^fl
arrow wNI fast reverse through a chapter or track.
