Freeway driving – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Hare are ways to incrgasH your safety ¡n city dnving;

*« Know the best way to get to where you are

going. Gel a city map and plan your trip inlo
an unknown part of ihe city just as ycnj wcHjId tor a

OToss-counitv trip.

*. Try to use the freeways that rim and crisscross

most large dCes. You'll save time and energy,
See the neiKt part, "Freeway Driving."

% Treat a green light as a warning signal. A Erafflc

tight is there because the comar is busy enough
to need iL When a light turns green, and just before

you start 1o movE, check bolh ways for vehictes
that have not cleared Iho intersection or may

be running the rod light.

Freeway Driving

Mile for mile, freeways {also called thruways, parkways.
eKpresswaySr turnpikes Of superhighways) are Ihe
safest of all roads, 0ut they have iheir own special rules.

The most importarit advice on freeway driving is;

Keep up


traffic and keep to the right. Drive at the

same speed nujsf of the other drivers are dnving.
Too-fast or toe-stow driving breaks a smooth Iraflic flow.
Treat Ihe left lane on a freeway as a passing lano.
