GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 464

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9. Turn tha wrench dwkwisa to raise the jack until it

lifts the end fitting.

10. Continue raising üie Jack unlit thg spare tire stops

moving upward and is hold firmly In place. The
secondary latch has released and the spare tire is
balancing nn the jack.

11. Lower


jack by turning the wheel wrench

cQurtterclockwise. Keep lowering the jack until the
spare tire


off the jack or


hanging by

the Mbie.

12. Disconnect the jack handle from the jack and

carefulliy romove the jack. Use nne hand to push
against Ihe spare while I Irmly pulling the jack oul

frotri under the spare tire with ihe other hand.

H the spare is hanging Irom the cable, Insert the
hoist handle, emension and wheel wrench inlo the
hoist shaft hole in the bumper, and turn the

wheel wrench counterclockwise to lower the spare
Ihe rest of the way.

13. TIM the retainer at Ihe «nd of the cable and pull it

through Ihe wheel opening. Pull the lire out from

ur^der Ihe vehicle.

14. tr Ihe cable is hanging under Ihe vahicfe, turn the

wheel wrench in the hoist shall hole irt the bumper
clockwise to raise the cable back up.

Have the hoist a&sernbfy inspected as soon as you can.
You will nol be able to store a spare or flat lire using
Ihe hoist assembly until It has been replaced.