Part c: periodic maintenance inspections, Exhaust system inspection, Fuel system inspection – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 515: Throtue system inspection -17, Brake systenfl inspection -17, Steering

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Part C: Periodic Maintenance

Listed in this part are inspections end services which
simild be performed at least twice a year (for Instance,
each spring and laH), You stKHjfd !et



sejvjce department

of other {foafifisd s&rvice certter do

these iods- Mat

compieted a! ortoe.

Proper procedures to perform these services may be

found in a service manual., See Service PubUcatiorfs

Ordering intofmetion on pape 7- iO.

Exhaust System Inspection

Inspect the complete exhaust system. Inspect the body
near the exhaust system, Looii for broJien, damaged,
rrissing or out-oi-posi1lon parts as well as open seams,
holes, loose connectioiis or other conditiorrs which
could cause a heal buifd-up in the floor pan or could let
exhaust fumes into the vehicle* See frrgme Exhaust

Oft page 2-49.

Fuel System Inspection

Inspect the complete fuel system for damage or leafis.


and Suspension Inspection Engine Cooling System Inspection

Inspect the from and rear suspension and steering
syslem for damaged^ loose or missing parís, signs of
wear or lack of luhricattofi. Inspect the power steering
lines and hoses for proper hook-up, binding, leaks,
cracks, chafing, eic.

Inspect the hoses and have Ihem replaced if [hey

are cracked, swollen or dgterioratad. InspecI all pjpes,

fittings and clamps; replace as needed. Clean the

outaide ÛÎ the radiator and air conrirtioning condenser.
To iieip ensure proper operation, a pressure test of

the cooling system and pressure cap is recommended
at least once a year.
