Windshield washer ffuid what to use, Adding washer fluid – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Windshield Washer Ffuid

What to Use

Wh&n you need wFndshielrf washef fluid, be sure to read
the manufacturer's instructions before use. If you will
be operating your vehicle in an area when? the
temperature may fall below Ireezing. use a fluid that has
sufficient protection against freeimg. See


Comparimeli Oven/iew on page 5^ 12

for reservoir



Adding Washer Fluid

open the cap with the
washer symbol on it. Add
washer fluid until the
lank Is fulL

When u?fng concentrated washer fluid, follow the
manufacturer's instructions for adding water.

Don't mix water wFth r«ady4o-use washer fluid.
Water can cause the soJutien to freeze and
damage your washer fluid tank and other parts of

the washer system. Also, water doesn't clears as

well as washer flufdn

Fill your washer fluid tank only three-quarters full
when It's very cold. This allows tor expansion if
freezing occurs, which could damage the lank if
it Is completely full.

Don't use engine coolant {antifreeze) In your

windshield washer. It can damage your washer
system and pafnt.
