Roadside assistance program – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual
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Roadside Assistance Program
GMC’s Roadstde Assistance Provides slranded owners
with Qver-lhe-phone roadside repairs, iocation of the
n^iiresl GMC dealer or (he following speiiial services:
n^t Tire Change: Installation of spare tire win da
covered a\ no charge (customer fs resporistble for repair
replacement of tiro).
Fu&i D&iivery: Delivery ol enough fuel lor the customer
lo get to the nearesi service station (up lo £5.00)
will be covered.
JLffrtp Stan: No-start situations which require a battery
fump start will be covered at no charge.
Lock Out: Replacement keys or locksmith servica will be
covered al no charge if you are urtabfe to gain entry
into your vehicle. Delivery of the replacement key will be
covered within IQ miles (16 km],
Servj'ce: Towing to tha nearest GMC
dealer for warranty related disablements will be covered.
Trip Fiouting:
Custom-made, compulerized highlighted
maps usirtg Ihe most direct or scenre route are provided
free of charge. Maps Include points of interest and a
list of GMC dealers along the route. Also included ts a
list of hotels along Ihe route that are discounted
Ihrough affiliation with "Quest InlsroaIlonaI." Trip Routing
Is available through Roadside Asslstor^ce by calling
-GMC-07&2 [Jf 62-6702). Please be prepared To
provide your Vehicle Identification Mumper {V|N). Allow
hve worthing days for fulfilIment.
Trip inierrvplion Assistance: GMC will reimburse any
reasonable trip interruption e^ipenses (up to S500.00)
when directly associoted
warranty disablement.
interruption service covers ejtpenses such as meals
and overnight lodging if vohicJe disablement occurs at
least 150 miles (240 km) from your home or rental
property. Vou will be required to oblarn prior approval
from GMC Roadside Assisfarree and pay for expenses
at the time of disableTnert. Original receipts should
be submitted to GMC Roadside Assistance for
reinn burse menf, A service repreaenlalivE wlii provide
assistance when you call.
The Roadside Assistance services liEted are available to
retail lease cuetomorg operating 2QQ3 GMC light duty
trucks for s period of 3 years.'SSjQOO miles (60,OOQ km).
All &
must be pre-arrangod by CMC Roadside
Over-the-phone assistance, such as providirg the name
of the doses! dealer or minor lechnitaf advice,
available to all owner/operators ad GMC trucks,
regardless of vehicle or mileage
Just dial GMC Roadside Assistance al 1'Bt>0-GMG-ii7B2
[1-800-462-8762, Roadside Assisiance prompt) lo
reach a qualified represanlalive who can assist you.
Text telephone {TTV} users, caN 1-680-809-2436-