Tiered loading, Add-on equipment, 4 sa – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Payload capacjty is the maxinurn load capacity (hat your
vehicle can carry. Be aure tfi include the weight of the
occ upa nts as part oi you г load. I


you adcted any

accessonsa or equipment after your vehicle left the
lactory, renemt>er to subtract ihe weight et these ihings
from Ihe payload. Your dealer can help you wilh Ihis.

F^emember no( to exceed the Gross Axle Weight
Rating (GAWR) of the fron! or rear axle. See


YQur Veti^is

on page


2-Tiered Loading

By positioning four 2" x

6" wooden planks across the

width of the pickup box, you can create an upper
load platfomn. Tha pJanks must he Inserted in (ho pickup
box depressions. Ttie length of the planks must allow
lor al Jegst a Э/4 Inch cm) bearing surface on
each end of the plank.

When using this uppe^ load platform, be sure the load is
securely tied down to prevent it from shifting. The
load’s center of gravity should be positioned in a zone
over [he rear axle. The zone is located In the area
between the front of each wheel well and the rear of
each wheel well. The center of gravity height must not
eKtend above tha top oF the pickup box llaraboard.

Any load that extends beyond the vehicle’s laillamp area
must be properly marked according to local lows and

Rememtier not (o exceed the Gross Axle Weight
Rating (GAWR) of (he fronf or rear axSe. See


Yauf Vehicle oij page 4-56.

Add-On Equipment

When you carry removable iierns, you may nead ю pul
a limil on how many people you carry inside your
vehicie. Be sure (o weigh your vehicle before you buy
and irisfall ihe new equipment.


Your werraritv doee not cover parts Of

components lhat fall because oF overloading.

Remember not to exceed the Gross Axle WeighI
Raiing {GAWR) of tho front nr rear axle. See


Уош VehiciB on page 4-56.


MBxfmum Weight

1 adder Rack and Cargo

750 lbs. (340 kg)

Cross Toolbox and Cargo

^Mibs. (lei kg)

Side Boxes and Cargo

250 lbs., per side

(11Э kg per side)

■ The combined v^eight for all rail-mounted equipmanl

should not excaed I.OOQlbs. [454 kg).
A reintDficemsnt kit for rail-mounfed add-on &quipmert

is nscommended. See your dealer.

4 sa